Health for Health Professionals Wales
Providing support for all NHS workers and Healthcare Students across Wales

Contact Us/Cysylltwch â ni
For more general enquiries either about the site or the Health for Health Professionals Wales service please complete the form below:
Ar gyfer ymholiadau mwy cyffredinol naill ai am y safle neu Iechyd Gweithwyr Iechyd Proffesiynol Cymru, llenwch y ffurflen isod:
Please note HHP is open Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm (Excluding Bank holidays). Someone will aim to get back to you within two working days of receipt of your enquiry.
PLEASE NOTE: this form should only be used for general enquiries and not referrals for counselling.
SYLWER: dylid defnyddio'r ffurflen ar gyfer ymholiadau cyffredinol yn unig ac nid atgyfeiriadau ar gyfer cwnsela.
HHP Wales is looking for people to help support its service. If you are a health professional willing to volunteer as a Peer Support Provider or you are a GP and would consider working as a Doctor Advisor please get in touch using the above form. For more information on these roles please see the following role descriptions.
HHP Wales Helpline
Llinell Gymorth HHP Cymru

Calls from UK landlines are free but mobiles may still be charged. Please check with your service provider for further details.
If you would like to speak to someone in Welsh please inform the helpline when you call.
Mae galwadau o linellau ffôn domestig yn rhad ac am ddim ond mae’n bosibl y codir tal ar ffonau symudol. Holwch ddarparwr eich gwasanaeth am fanylion pellach