Health for Health Professionals Wales
Providing support for all NHS workers and Healthcare Students across Wales

If you wish to refer in for support from the Health for Health Professionals Wales service please complete the form below
Please note:
HHP service hours are Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm (Excluding Bank holidays).
We will get back to you via email within one working day of receipt of your referral form. Please check your junk mail folder if you don't see an email reply from us.
Once the HHP team have received your referral form, an appointment will be made for you to have a telephone call with one of our Dr Advisors. HHP Dr Advisors work from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
If you feel you need to speak to someone urgently then you can phone the Samaritans on 116 123 or text FRONTLINE to 85258. Further information can be found at
There are also a lot of self-help and virtual groups you could access a link for these can be found at and scrolling down to self-help resources. Your own Health Board may also have support you can access.